Tuesday, January 08, 2008


We have our new calendar hanging on the wall in the kitchen. So what...you say? Well, our calendar's are very special! They are grandchildren calendars! Pam makes a calendar for us every year mainly featuring our 13 grandchildren. We love it! This one arrived while Sydney and Isabella and Haleigh were all here so they practically devoured it! Then they got out all the old calendars and had fun searching through them. I think she made the first one in 1998! Haleigh and Miller were both one year old! Haleigh is 11 years old today and Miller will be in a few months! That's a lot of calendars! Thanks, Pam. We love them! I know it's a lot of work. Thank you, Lord, for Pam. Thank you for families, for grandchildren, for memories. Help us to live pleasing lives to You.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you enjoy them - I made myself one this year and brought one to Tim and Shauna.