Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Meet Harper! He's a very beautiful dog and he's a seeing eye dog. Here he is at a luncheon, under a table, meat ball and other good food smells all around! He is very well behaved! He never left his place under the table! I couldn't resist taking his picture. Thank you, Lord, for Harper! Thank you, for seeing eye dogs, for their ability to be trained to be eyes for the blind. Thank you for Sheryl and Harper.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful German Shepard. We had our German Shepard for over 13 years. She was a great family dog. Her name was Shawnee. She was not a seeing eye dog but if you did not see eye to eye with her, watch out!

Anonymous said...

I think I remember Shawnee - did you have her when you lived near Detroit?
What a well-behaved dog Harper is.

Anonymous said...

Yes, pondering something, We recieved some money as a Christmas gift from a distant relative and bought Shawnee when she was 8 weeks old with that money in December of 1975 while living in Dearborn, MI. Shawnee grew up with our kids so she became a great friend and protector to all of us.

Anita said...
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Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful picture of Harper and he is a good, cute, and funny dog.
Oh, by the way, Harper isn't a Seeing Eye Dog. He is a Leader Dog. They are two different
schools as I've found out by knowing Cheryl.

W Vivian