Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More Nativity Sets

Jesus loves the Native Americans... Remember if you click on the pictures they'll enlarge so you can see details.

This set is in the bathroom.

An unusual, interesting set! Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus are in the bubble. Tip it over...it will snow! Magi are arriving on a horse, a camel, an elephant!

The front set is Spanish. This is a shelf, in my kitchen, by the sink.

This glass set is in my kitchen, on a shelf, on the other side of the sink. I love Mr & Mrs Santa Claus kissing!

I love this wall hanging! It was a gift from Pam and Gene. It's supposed to be used on a dresser or a buffet. I can't imagine setting something on it. I have it on a board with a navy blue background hanging on the wall!
I praise You, Jesus!

1 comment:

Kate said...

I have the same glass Nativity set..I also have a black ebony one that Jill brought home from Africa...I only have one out this year ...a little wooden stable with ceramic figurines that I got when Kerri was about 2 years old. My house is not very big so I don't have room to put all my decorations out. I have to choose each year what goes out!!! and what waits for another year. I love seeing all of your sets...they are all unique and beautiful.