Today was a beautiful day. I hope, oh I hope, tomorrow will also be a beautiful day. I have bulbs to plant and other outside work to do. My wild flowers that I planted from my green puzzle never did come up. That was a big disappointment. But now I've got a flower bed all ready for me to plant tulip bulbs in! The sun will shine there next summer and so they should bloom.
I've been going to physical therapy for my sciatic nerve problem for three weeks now and have at least one more week to go. I'm feeling so much better, it definitely was worth going. But I just read a paper about my mom having sciatic nerve problems, a few years ago, and she was put in the nursing home so she would have complete bed rest! They even took her meals to her on a tray! I think she was in for about ten days. Now I'm doing all kinds of exercises and feeling so much better. I think I'd rather go to PT then lay in a nursing home, not able to get out of bed!!!
There's a kind of new song sung now quite often that really bothers me. I refuse to sing it. What a good God You've Been to me. Of course He's been a good God to me but that's not where the emphasis should be. A hymn or chorus or song should be about God not me. I'm sure the writer may have meant well but I think this puts too much importance on me, like I deserve all the good He's given to me. I don't know who wrote it or who recorded it. I just know when it's sung in our church, I can't sing along. Am I the only one who feels this way?
I praise You, Father, because You are the Creator. I love the beauty of the mountains, the seas, the skies, the flowers, trees, birds, bees, fish, babies, color, knowledge, so much I can't even begin to name it all. Thank You for the beautiful fall season.
Thank You for my physical therapy and for touching me. Thank You for the advancement of medical procedures. I praise You.
I had to laugh about the hymn because I've had friend who just refused to sing some of the choruses at church over the years because of the words.
I can't remember which one it was that my husband just refused to sing but contained words that were very bad theology.
As for me, I am such a bad singer I don't think even God listens so it doesn't matter much.
I love this song! It's a song of thanksgiving and praise to our God who has been so good to us.
We absolutely DO NOT by ourselves deserve anything from HIM except judgment. Hallelujah, He has made us His own!
I believe that God wants us to proclaim that we are thankful for His goodness, His faithfulness and His love (part of the chorus). I know that I am always grateful to know that someone appreciates and is thankful for what I might have been able to do for them -- how much does our great God want to hear his children thank Him for all that He has done!
One line says: What else can I do, but give thanks to YOU, what a faithful God you've been to me. That pretty well places the importance where it belongs -- on HIM!
Love and hugs to you my sister! (You told me to put my comment here)
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