Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Birthday're on candid camera!
Happy Birthday, Max! You can get your driver's license now. I know you've been driving, but with restrictions. I know you're a good driver because you drove me all over town last time we were at your house. I was very impressed! I used this picture of you because: 1) it's the latest one I took of you; 2) it shows how tall you must be; 3) it shows your good looks! When you were here in July, you were 6'2". Have you grown more since then? I wouldn't be surprised...  I'm very proud of you, for the great kid you are. I wish for you a great 16th birthday.
Dear Lord, thank You for Max. He's a great kid, with so much potential. Please keep Your Hand upon him as he plays lacrosse and runs in track and whatever sports he participates in. Watch over him as he drives. Guide him as he chooses friends and activities, etc. I love him and You love him even more.

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