Thursday, July 29, 2010


I've had a pain in my leg for a while now. I haven't known what it was until last week when it became almost unbearable.
We were at family camp where I walk everywhere. It's a large camp and there are horse and wagons so folks don't have to walk...When the drivers ask if I want a ride I simply reply, "No thanks, I need the exercise."
Jerry saw me limping and said I would have to stop walking and ride to where ever I went. He made me rest and keep my leg up.
Jessica, my RN daughter-in-law, asked me what my problem was and told her my pain went from my hip down my leg to my foot. It almost felt like an electric shock! She said it sounds like sciatic nerve. Kelby, our paramedic friend, agreed with her.
Staying off of it helped quite a bit. I looked it up on the Internet and it described it to a T! Sciatic Nerve. I can live normally but I can't lift, pull, tug, push, strain, climb, run, etc.
Yesterday I decided to change the furniture in the living room. Oh boy, I lifted, pulled, tugged, pushed, strained, and climbed. The only thing I didn't do was run.
Am I ever in pain today. I forgot all about what it said I shouldn't do. Jerry is rather up-set with me. So today he's helping me finish up what I had left to do.

Lord, I praise You because You are my Healer. Please touch my sciatic nerve and help it to stop hurting. Help me to be more cautious in my old age. I forget I'm not young any more. I love You and I praise You.

1 comment:

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Oh, that sounds exactly like what I do and then I don't get much sympathy from the guys, either.

Praying for you to feel much better very soon. As it is, you amaze me by how much you get done!