Monday, July 26, 2010

Family Camp

Family camp, formerly known as camp meeting, is a wonderful tradition. One I wouldn't give up for anything. It goes clear back to my childhood and is one of my favorite memories. I practically grew up on the Iowa camp ground!

Here is our good friend, Penn, picking up the garbage! He's even doing it with a smile!
I'm so good at putting pictures in backwards! It seems to be a talent of mine!

I added this picture because you can see Penn wasn't just posing, he actually was the garbage man that day!

Two friends, Harold and Martha, (not a couple) visiting at the pot luck dinner on Sunday.

A tradition we have is a pot luck dinner, of all the folks from our city, on the first Sunday of camp. This year 71 folks were counted! Here is Tim, Dave, Sidney, Dee, Tim, Jerry, Bella, Harold, Mary, and Naomi.

Another view so you can see some of the good food! Harold, Johnathon, Linda, Dave, Naomi, Kelby.

Our Assistant Pastor Scott, being ordained as an Elder in the Free Methodist Church. In the picture is Pastor Dave, retired former pastor Gordon, retired missionary Wilma, retired pastor Dale, Emma and Scott. We're very proud of Pastor Scott.

Thank You, Lord, for the wonderful tradition of family camp. We always feel You there among us.

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