Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
We were at family camp where I walk everywhere. It's a large camp and there are horse and wagons so folks don't have to walk...When the drivers ask if I want a ride I simply reply, "No thanks, I need the exercise."
Jerry saw me limping and said I would have to stop walking and ride to where ever I went. He made me rest and keep my leg up.
Jessica, my RN daughter-in-law, asked me what my problem was and told her my pain went from my hip down my leg to my foot. It almost felt like an electric shock! She said it sounds like sciatic nerve. Kelby, our paramedic friend, agreed with her.
Staying off of it helped quite a bit. I looked it up on the Internet and it described it to a T! Sciatic Nerve. I can live normally but I can't lift, pull, tug, push, strain, climb, run, etc.
Yesterday I decided to change the furniture in the living room. Oh boy, I lifted, pulled, tugged, pushed, strained, and climbed. The only thing I didn't do was run.
Am I ever in pain today. I forgot all about what it said I shouldn't do. Jerry is rather up-set with me. So today he's helping me finish up what I had left to do.
Lord, I praise You because You are my Healer. Please touch my sciatic nerve and help it to stop hurting. Help me to be more cautious in my old age. I forget I'm not young any more. I love You and I praise You.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
We had a very good nine days at family camp. It was exciting to be there for Pastor Scott's ordination as an Elder. He has such potential. We're fortunate to have him as one of our assistant pastors. I hope we can keep him, but I know he'll be in demand now.
Our Bible Study leader was the best ever! Dr. Jeff Johnson. I wish he would have been the speaker in the evening as well. He's outstanding, so personable, so down to earth, so knowledgeable, so interesting. If you ever get a chance to hear him, you'll understand what I mean.
I started out walking to all the different places I wanted to go to. The horse and wagon drivers would ask me if I wanted a ride and I would always answer, "No thanks, I need the exercise!" About half way through the week my right leg began to hurt really badly. It felt like an electric shock going right down my leg. Oh no...sciatic nerve. I stopped walking and kept my leg up when sitting so it did improve but...
There is a lake on the grounds and it's been greatly improved so that it's a wonderful place to spend the afternoon with kids. My granddaughters had so much fun. The weather was just right. There are life guards but I still insisted they go with adults in charge. I went with them or they were invited to go with families of friends.
Family camp is such a great experience...but some folks are so disrespectful of rules, of just plain, common sense! Some things I'm talking about are: kids on bikes, drivers, ignoring signs, walkers, etc.
Bikers: Camp is a great place for kids to ride their bikes. Some kids learn to ride a bike there! But...some kids ride out on the road: in front of cars, without looking. They just dart out. It's amazing there aren't more accidents.
Drivers: The speed limit is 10 MPH and it really needs to be that slow because of all the kids, walkers, and bikers. Some roads are one way but some folks tend to ignore signs, think they own the road, and don't obey the speed limit.
Walkers: It's a good place to walk and get exercise, but walkers need to be respectful of drivers and go to the side to let cars and bikes go by.
Horses: A great feature of family camp are the Belgium horses pulling wagons to give folks rides for pleasure and rides to the auditorium for services. Some people have no respect...they follow too closely to the wagons; some cars try to hurry to get ahead of the horses; some pull out in front of them; you get the picture. This year there was an accident. A biker pulled out in front of the horses, they were spooked, one tried going one way, the other one tried going the other way... a tree stopped them! Several folks fell or nearly fell out of the wagon. One woman went to the hospital by ambulance. She wasn't hurt as badly as was feared, thank the Lord. I hope we can keep our horses and wagons but if people aren't more respectful of them...I wonder.
Rules and Signs: Camp is well designed and when the rules are followed all goes well. Some of the roads are one way, and need to be. There are signs, although I think there need to be more signs to make it clearer. But there are folks who just plain ignore the signs! They act like because this is a camp it doesn't matter how they drive. Wrong! It does matter and most drive safely but it only takes a few to make it unsafe.
Well, this is kind of negative but these are some of the frustrations that go along with camping at a camp with several hundred people.
So family camp is over for another year. I have wonderful memories, along with my frustrations, and can't wait til next year.
Lord, I Praise You. Thank You for family camp, formerly known as camp meeting. It's a wonderful tradition that's been going on for many, many years. Thank You for bringing it to my life. Please help folks to be more respectful of rules. Help camp to be a safe and wonderful place for families.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Family Camp 2010
Dogs are allowed at camp now, but no barking and no messes!
Family Camp
I'm so good at putting pictures in backwards! It seems to be a talent of mine!
Thank You, Lord, for the wonderful tradition of family camp. We always feel You there among us.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Happy Birthday!
Heavenly Father, thank You for Jessica. She's a sweet daughter-in-law. She's a very busy wife and mother. Please keep her close to you. Guide her, protect her, bless her with Your Presence. I love her and You love her even more.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Today I worked with my former computer teacher...teaching her! She wants to become a blogger. We had a good time together for about three hours! I don't know if she learned anything but we had a good time!
Jerry had a doctor appointment, I went with him so I'd know first hand what the doctor said. He was being checked for diabetes, he doesn't have it. He bruises so easily so the doctor changed some meds, also his tiredness may be caused by some meds. We're both feeling better about him. The spot on his face will be checked soon. We love our doctor.
Today I logged onto a site of the Historical Free Methodist Church site...imagine my surprise when I saw my family in a picture with former Bishop Marston! I've seen the picture before, in fact it's even in a book but I didn't expect to see it again all these years later. It was taken in 1974, I think. Here's the web site, in case you'd like to look it up. Our whole family is there but some are hard to see unless you know what you're looking for. Jerry shows very well! He's the young man, I'm standing beside him holding Robby (you can only see part of me.) Timmy is standing by Jerry, he shows up very well. The bottom 3/4 of Christy shows, not her face. Part of Teddy's face shows, he wearing glasses. Pammy's dark hair shows, that's all of her. There is another woman and a boy but I don't know who they are. But there we are, we were all listening to Bishop Marston telling something about the history of our church, even our kids were listening!
I'm already working on the next newsletter. The last one came out yesterday! I try to keep up-to-date on news happenings. I've had about three items come to my attention already. Some big changes are in the works as far as distribution. I'm not at liberty to disclose the changes yet but it's going to be helpful to me. I was greatly encouraged after talking with my pastor concerning the newsletter.
I had a night mare last night... Jerry woke me up...he said I was crying! Strange...
I have new glasses! Dr Johnson said I hadn't been in since 2004! No wonder I was having problems seeing! So now I can read small words and numbers crossword puzzles!
Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are All Knowing and You Care for me. You are Love. Please forgive me for taking You for granted. Thank You for the good doctor appointment Jerry had. Thank You for my new glasses. Please help me find my keys. You know where they are, so please help me find them. Please help me with the newsletter. Help me to keep it up-to-date and relevant and interesting. Help me with all the technical aspects of writing a newsletter. Thank You for the help my writer brother, Richard, gives me. Help him to be patient with me! I love You, Lord.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Happy Birthday
Monday, July 05, 2010
Same Ages
Ramdom Pictures of Family
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Tea Party
Heavenly Father, You are our loving Father. Thank You for girls, big girls and little girls. Thank You for my granddaughters. Please watch over them as they grow up each in their own way. Please protect them from any kind of harm or danger. Help them to know You and to love You. I love each one of them so much and You love each one of them even more!