Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I just resigned from a position I've held for several years. I don't even know how many. It's a sad thing for me. But I'm not young any more. I can't take the stress of deadlines or of folks not following through with a promise to write a simple paper about an exciting trip they've taken. So I'm no longer editor of the missions page of our conference paper. I also resigned from the mssions board of our conference. Another sad thing for me. I've been on the board for many years...yet it's time. But nothing excites me more than hearing what God is doing around the world! I praise Him because He is Omnipresent! God is Alive and Well!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that was a very hard thing to do. I am proud of you for deciding it was time and letting go.