Sunday, August 08, 2010


I need to get caught up on blogging and pictures.
This is Bernie, our wonderful St Bernard. This was just after he was groomed. We've had Bernie now for many years, so he's getting quite old. He's been a very good watch dog and I love him. The fire hydrant isn't real but he thinks it so and that's all that matters...

Today has been a good day so far. We went to church this morning and listened to a wonderful sermon by our senior pastor. He's amazing.

After church we were asked if we'd like to join some friends for dinner at the China Palace. I usually have a roast in the oven, but today I didn't have! :) So we joined eight other friends and had a delightful time all eating together.

Now, I need to stop here and do some reflecting. Jerry and I were both brought up believing it was not pleasing to God to buy on Sunday. We have kept this rule for living, as well as not working on Sunday. We've missed many good times with our friends because we wouldn't go to a restaurant on Sunday. Let me stop here now and go over the reasons for not buying or working on Sunday.

I was told as a child that when we buy on Sunday we're causing someone to work on Sunday. We're to rest on the Sabbath Day. The same goes for eating in a restaurant on Sunday. Well, that made sense to me as a child and actually makes sense to me today as an adult. Does the saying fit here: If you can't beat um, join um? I don't know. I do know that we missed a lot of good fellowship with our friends. Today was very enjoyable.

Heavenly Father, I love You and I praise You. Help me to be obedient to Your Word and yet live in today's society. I don't want to be a 'holier than thou' person and yet I want to be obedient to You and Your Word.

1 comment:

pondering something said...

Bernie looks very handsome. Nice job.