Merry Christmas! Sydney and Isabella sang for us early this morning, it wasn't six o'clock but it was still early: 6:40! We had a good morning of opening presents. Sydney and Bella discovered that Santa found them at our house and left them each a stocking! Their daddy got them a DVD player for the car! I gave Jerry a tom tom, a navigation system, for the car. We'll never get lost again! We also got lots of candy and other gifts! A gift card for Kohl's for Sydney and Bella and Haleigh means a fun shopping trip this week! Ted made a unique 3 tier candle holder for me out of copper. He made a poker for Jerry for the wood stove from an old lightning rod off an old barn! Pam gave me a unique nativity set to add to my collection! It has water running from the pot into a stream! Also a box of the sweetest oranges from Florida! Rob & Jessica gave me some bath items and a gift card for apple bees. Beautiful family pictures from Christy's family. Jerry gave me my new lap top and printer/scanner (earlier). Oh, there was lots more but that's enough for now. Oh, yes, Andrew gave me a CD of Rod Stewart! It has some of my favorite songs on it, like "My Funny Valentine" and "I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm!" Thank you, again, Lord, for beautiful family times. Help us to remember: Jesus is the reason for the season! Wise men still seek HIM!
I guess this means you are typing and taking pictures again. That is good - hope your fingers continue to heal.
WOW! what a Christmas for you Anita!!! I bought myself a new digital camera with some money given to me. Vel bought a beautiful new 8ft artifical Christmas Tree with some money she got for Christmas. We bought Grandma Williamson some new warmer clothes so she can continue to live with us in Colorado . We also bought a live 8 foot Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving and it died in less than two weeks. And, I do mean died. Ironically, A man was at our house to pick up an item we sold to him and he wanted the dead tree to feed his pigs with. So, we went out and bought the aritfical pre-lit Chrsitmas tree. We had Lisa, Doug, and Justin Naughton over for Christmas dinner along with Doug's brother and his wife and teenage son. It was the first time Mom has spent Christmas with us in over 36 years. So, we had a very nice and very white Christmas since it snowed all day. Another big snow storm is suppose to come in around 3:00am. We are enjoying beatiful Colorado after being away for 36 years.
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