Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Grandparent's Day

Grandparent's Day at Midland Christian School. We have three grandchildren attending there. We were so proud of all three of them. 
Here is Armon singing with his class.
 Elmise with her class. 
 They are doing motions with a song here. It was cute.

Haleigh's Latin class doing sort of a play. They were so dressed up even with eye shadow on. They did a really good job.

Haleigh speaking in Latin! After this they each interpreted in English! It was very impressive!

Lord, Thank You for this day! We felt honored as grandparents. Elmise, Armon, and Haleigh all did such a good job. We're very proud of them and proud to be their grandparents. Please help us, as grandparents, to be examples of You. Help them to see Christ in us.


carole said...

Our kids all went to Midland Christian when we lived in Sanford... 1980's.... We loved that school !!!

pondering something said...

Sounds like a wonderful day, I'm glad you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Catching up again, have not gotten on the blog lately. Always enjoy hearing the adventures of your grandchildren.