Friday, May 29, 2009

A Tad of Trouble

Kaleb, one of my grandson's, was in a play at his high school. He played the guardian angel, Zander, guardian angel of Obediah, a very sinister scam artist. The name of the play was A Tad of Trouble. Zander has had hundreds of years of experience as a guardian angel and he's quite sceptical of changing Obediah into a decent person.

The girl is Olivia, the guardian angel of Tad. Tad is mute and is Obediah's helper in the scam business of selling useless products to unsuspecting customers. Olivia is very bright, optimistic, and cheerfully sings her way into hearts, much to Zander's chagrin.

When her own singing isn't enough Olivia calls in a chorus of girls! Zander tries to shake off their effect.

Tad, the mute, suddenly begins singing! He is changed. Zander leaves dejectedly. He and Olivia had made a bet that this was a useless case...he lost! I have had to leave out so many details of the really needed to watch it yourselves!

The whole cast at the end. The guy next to Kaleb in the black hat is the marshall, out to arrest Obediah. The tall guy, on the other side of Kaleb is Obediah. Then Tad, the mute helper of Obediah. Olivia is next, the guardian angel of Tad. Then the last girl is the marshall's niece, a wannabe marshall! The other girls are the chorus of singers.

Taking a bow! They were all so good.
About 3/4 of the way through the play the electricity went off! There was total darkness for several minutes, when the lights came back on the play went on without a hitch! I was afraid someone would get mixed up but they didn't. It was well worth going to and I'm very, very proud of Kaleb. He was superb! He has quite the acting ability! Everyone was very good.

Lord, thank You for letting me watch Kaleb and the rest of the cast in this good play. Thank You for the ones who wrote it for these kids. Thank You for the excellent job the kids did in putting the play on. Thank You for letting the electricity come back on! Thank You most of all for Kaleb! Help him to use his abilities for You.


I had a chance to watch Slumdog Millionaire so because my friend, Ruth, wrote about seeing it in her blog, I decided to watch it. Oh my goodness, it was about Hmong people! I had no idea. So maybe you're saying, "So what!" No way, I worked with Hmong people for several years. I love Hmong people. They even love me! The movie was exactly right in portraying them! I felt like I was right there in the movie! I'm not ashamed to say I cried. The language in it was rotten, I just ignored that part. The story itself was so good and so true to their plot in life here in the good old USA.

Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are the Creator and You are Love. You made the Hmong people and You love them. Please reveal Yourself to them. Help us to show Your Love to them. Thank You for bringing them into my life.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Sydney! This is a very special day for you! Ten years old, I can't believe it! We'll see you on Saturday...we're coming to your house! That should be fun! You're growing up so fast. I hope you'll always be as sweet as you are now. We've had some really good times together. Have a wonderful birthday. I love you, Sydney.

Lord, thank You for Sydney. She's such a sweet girl and granddaughter. Please keep her from harm as she grows up. Please keep Your Hand upon her. I love her and You love her even more.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Write It On Your Calendar!

We finally have decided on the date for our 50th anniversary open house. Sunday July 12 - 3:00 PM at our house. It's been hard to know when to have it...finally with the help of our church administrative assistant we were able to come up with a date. You see we're going on a trip so we have to be able to recover from jet lag and then get ready for the open house. I'll be making all kinds of good food but not a meal. I'll make a watermelon fruit basket, my colorful layered jello, BLT bites, cheese balls, and cake! Oh yes...I'll make lots...! If you're near, please stop by. Absolutely no gifts! Cards are nice. Especially your presence will be nice. So please write it on your calendar...

The trip we're going on is to Malaysia for our grandson's graduation from high school. An important time in a young man's life. So Kaleb, we'll be there!

Lord, You know about the plans we have. It's such a busy time. Help us to honor You in our celebrating. Thank you for our 50 years together.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary, Rob & Jessica! It was 13 years ago today you went riding off, in your tux and wedding dress on a motorcycle! It was quite a day and a very happy day. So much has happened in the years since and so much is still to happen! You'll soon be parents of four...whoa! That's a huge responsibility, but with God's help you can do it. We wish you a very happy anniversary.
Lord, thank You for Rob and Jessica. Bless their marriage, their lives, their family, their dreams. Keep them close to You.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


We've had well water for 45 years, give or take a few months. Today we have city water! It's quite exciting to me. No more buying bottled water, I'm going use my ice maker!, I'm going to get out my Bunn coffee maker. I say going to because it's just now hooked up! The hook-up man just left and we had to sit down and have a cup of coffee! We'll get going again now.

Lord, thank You for our new city water!


One more picture of Armon. I missed this one with the last post. He has such bright eyes. It looks like he's maybe drinking some milk here.

There was a problem with this trip to the orphanage. The orphanage has a dog, like most places in Haiti. At night he serves as a watch dog. Well, he bit a little girl and had to be tested for rabies. Yup, he had rabies! So now all the children in the orphanage have to get shots. This is a series of shots. Also, the team that just went down there from here have to get shots! Rob and Jessica have had the first of the series. This vaccine is very expensive. They are looking into getting help from different agencies, both for the Haitian children and also for the team.

Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are our Healer. You are In Control. You know all things. Please, work out the details for this latest problem. You know who can help out and how to make them aware of the need. Thank You for helping the little girl who was bitten to not have serious injuries. Please watch over them all. I know You love them even more than we do.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Rob and Jessica went to Haiti again for more bonding and also to help with a medical team. I've had an awful time putting these pictures on this blog so they're not in the order I wanted them to be. I've had to put them on one at a time. This first picture is Rob and Elmise saying good-bye. She has tears in her eyes. This is a sad day.

Jessica and Armon saying good-bye. This is a hard day.

I love this picture of Rob and Jessica with the little dark hand on Jessica's shoulder.

Elmise is so sweet.

Rob and Elmise. Rob was determined to make her smile. One day it was raining out, Elmise ran outside, spread her arms out, held her head back so the rain was hitting her face. When Rob saw her he ran out and stood with her; she began twirling around so he twirled around with her. They both ended up all wet and even muddy, but they had fun together, and that was all that mattered!

Rob and Jessica with the birth mother. They are good friends, she is so thankful that her children are going to have a good life. I can't imagine giving my children away but she was desperate with no means of feeding or clothing them and one son killed by gunfire. We have no idea what life is like in a country like Haiti.

Below is Jessica and Armon on a good day! I love the look on his face!

Lord, thank You for these sweet children. Thank You for their mother who only wants what is best for her children. Please help this adoption process to go quickly.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, Mother! I know you won't see this but my family and friends will. I took this picture when I was there visiting you for your 95th birthday! You've been a wonderful, loving mother to me. I can't wait to see you again. I love you.

Lord, thank You for my mother. Thank You for her love for You. Thank You for the upbringing she and my dad gave me. Their love for You came through loud and clear. Please be with her in these last months and years of her life. I love her and You love her even more.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

High Rise

This is the strangest phenomenon just off our front porch. We watch this sitting in our living room. Mourning Doves came in early spring and began what we thought was repairing and perhaps adding on to last year's bird nest. Then the Robins came and took over. We watched as they worked so hard carrying new nesting material in and making the nest suitable for robins. When we noticed they were no longer having anything to do with the nest, I went out and parted some branches to take a picture. I couldn't believe how high they have built it up! Well, well, well...guess who's back! The Mourning Dove's! This is an ongoing saga! Who will win the high rise nest? I'll try to keep an update on this interesting phenomenon.
Lord, this is quite an interesting dilemma for the birds! I'm certainly glad Your Eye Is On The Sparrow!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Tim! Once again, I know the celebrating is over but being on the other side of our globe makes it difficult to keep the right days and times as far as wishing birthday greetings, etc. I hope you had a good birthday, I'm sure you did. Tim, I have a question...are you actually 45? Oh my goodness, I can't believe it. Where have the years gone? Now your family is soon beginning a new phase in your lives. Moving back to Canada; having a son no longer in high school, becoming independent; having a daughter in high school, becoming a young lady. Yes, life moves on quickly. We're looking forward to our trip to visit and celebrate with you Kaleb's graduation. I love you.

Lord, thank You for Tim. He's a good son, father, husband, worker, Christian, man, and friend. Be with him as he guides his family through this latest move back to North America. Thank You for these three years of living in Malaysia and all the opportunities he has had to serve You in so many different ways. Please continue to guide and bless him as he endeavors to live for You. I love him, Lord, and I know You love him even more.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Kaleb! Now before you get upset with me for using an old picture, let me explain that I can't find a recent picture that I can post here. Just look how handsome you were and I'm sure you still are! This picture is from 2006. I can't wait to see you later this month. Your mom says you've grown tall. Because you're so far away your birthday is actually over! Sorry, but it's not my fault. I wish for you that you HAD a great birthday! And knowing your mom I'm sure you did. So a belated happy, happy birthday! I love you, Kaleb.

Lord, thank You for Kaleb. Please lead him and guide him as he is entering manhood. Help him to look to You for guidance and strength. Please help him to know what Your Will is for this or work. I love him and You love him even more!


This little frog is sunning himself on the top of a chair back on our deck! I took this picture yesterday. He spent the night on the log just below where he is in the picture. In fact, he's still there this morning! His coloring is so interesting. I hope he stays around for the summer! He can eat all the bugs, or whatever he eats, that he wants.
Lord, thank You for this little frog. He's fun to watch. Help him to eat the pesky bugs. Please don't let anything eat him!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Early Spring Flowers

Trillium, the beautiful wild flower. We don't have many so we protect them as best we can.
A couple of daffodils I accidentally cut off, so I put them in a vase of water and we're enjoying them in the house.
Mt Hood daffodils. I love them mainly because my sister used to live on Mt Hood in Oregon!
Beautiful yellow daffodils. They are so beautiful and fresh looking.

Lord, I praise You because You are the Creator.

Friday, May 01, 2009


I've been asked how the adoption is coming along. The best way I can explain is to tell you to scroll down on my blog to 'My Blog List', then scroll down to 'robshaitikids'. Click and then scroll down on that to where she explains everything out. It still doesn't make sense to me but it might to you! It's still going to be months and dollars before they can bring the children home.

Lord, You are Sovereign. Thank You for Elmise and Armon, and for their mother who is desperately giving them up so they can have a good healthy future. Please be with Rob & Jessica this week as they bond and also give of themselves.


I'm dog sitting again! Rob and Jessica are leaving today for Haiti. They're going with a medical team and will be gone for eight or nine days. Of course they'll also be doing some more bonding with Armon and Elmise. So Plaid is here and we're going to have a fun week.
Lord, thank You for Plaid, for pets to bring us joy. Help us to have a good week together. Most of all be with Rob & Jessica on their trip.

Here we go again...

Well, here we go again. Jerry is probably going to need another stent put in an artery. We 're not really surprised but yet we're saddened. He hasn't been able to do anything for quite a while. We'll know next Tuesday.

Lord, we're thankful for doctors and for new techniques for our bodies to keep us living longer. Help us to live our lives pleasing to You.