Thursday, April 02, 2009

My Take on Yesterday's Crime

Okay, here's my take on yesterday's crime! I suspect it was an April Fool's Day prank gone bad...
Here are my thoughts. Seven AM is a strange time for a theft. The school bus comes around seven, the daughter probably got on it. The son was probably supposed to get on but for some reason didn't, maybe sick? The husband was gone. Whoever it was must have been dropped off. No damage was done, no harm came to them, nothing was stolen except the car and it was found about two miles away in the City Forest. The man was wearing a ski mask so he couldn't be recognized. There were no shots from the guns. Whoever dropped him off must have been waiting for him at the City Forest. He probably was dying to yell, April Fool! A prank gone bad...
Well, we'll see how right or wrong I am... What do you my imagination working overtime?

Lord, I praise You because You are All Seeing and All Knowing. Help this to be solved. Thank You that no one was hurt. Help us to be wise in our tricks that we think are funny.

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