These pictures that look like the woods are on fire are actually the sunset last night! I took the pictures from our back yard. The whole sky was red! It was beautiful and I couldn't resist getting out my camera!
We've been working hard cutting and splitting and stacking wood
. Jerry cuts and splits; I stack! It's a big job so yesterday when we went inside Jerry built a nice fire in our wood burning stove. The chimney with smoke coming out of it I took this morning. It was a cool crispy morning, Jerry built a fire again and saw the smoke coming out of the chimney against the deep blue sky. He hollared at me to bring the camera outside and see if I could capture the scene. Well, it's not what it was when he first called me because the wind came up. It was just rolling straight up, but it's still a nice picture.
Thank you, Lord, for the beautiful sunsets, for our health so we can cut wood, and enjoy a nice warm fire on a cool crispy morning!
I love your pics.
Thanks, Kathy! I love your comments!
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