Friday, April 06, 2007


Last Sunday, Palm Sunday; April fool's day; whatever other kind of day you want to call it; for us it was a violation day...someone broke into our church during the night! I guess I shouldn't say broke into, there were no signs of forced entry! How did they get in? With a key? A lap top was missing and the nearly empty safe! There was so much more they could have taken! Why didn't they? Was this an April fool's day joke??? It was no joke! Did the people have a key? (I say people because just one person couldn't have taken the safe out). Was a door accidentally left not closed tightly so the lock didn't latch? The police were called. A lock smith was called. All locks were changed immediately following the second service. I'm not sure how our pastors were able to make it through the services so well but they did. There is always a feeling of being violated that stays with the people who have been broken into. Even though it wasn't our house I still feel violated. It's my church. I still remember the first time our church was broken into...way back in the 70's. Doors and locks were broken and drawers were emptied and things were stolen. I felt very violated, perhaps because I was younger and my family was very involved in the life of the church. It's a little different this time, I'm older, not so involved, but experiencing a deeper walk with God. Feeling violated is an awful feeling. To know that God is Sovereign and In Control is what sustains me and gives me peace.

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