Thursday, April 26, 2007

Rain, rain, go away!

Well, I'm back on my old kind of medicine that always works. My doctor just thought that with a new stronger kind of med I could get over this once and for all. But it was way too strong for my system. It's raining today and bringing out all kinds of new plants that are causing havoc with my body today so I'm really miserable. But it's just temporary! Tomorrow I'll be better. I have a meeting tonight that I'm probably going to skip just because of the way I feel. My younger brother called today and that was a highlight. It doesn't take much to cheer me up, just a little attention! I'm probably not too different from other folks. Right?!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend...but do take good care...sometimes we get in a hurry to get better...slow and easy wins the race!! Sending healing your way.