Monday, August 28, 2006

My Mom

I called my mom last night. She's fine. She's only 92! She lives alone in her apartment in Independent Living. I don't talk to her as often as I'd like to. She's very lonely without my dad and her evenings are so long so that's when I feel I should call her. She's deaf so I have to talk loudly. Since she lives in Washington state I have to allow a 3 hour difference in time, which means I have to call after 10:00 PM EST. Well, Jerry has gone to bed by then so if I call her I disturb him. So now I have a system... I go downstairs to our sunroom and close the door! He can't hear me so I can talk as loud as I need to and for as long as I want to. I also go to the sunroom to call Lorraine, my sister, because we always talk well over an hour and that's a long time for him to hear a voice droning on and on. We laugh a lot too so in the sunroom, with the door closed, I can make as much noise as I want without disturbing Jerry! One night while Lorraine and I were talking the motion light, outside the sun room, came on! That was scary! I was sitting in the dark but I couldn't see any thing moving outside so it was probably a small animal going by. Lorraine asked if we had any neighbors who might be window peeking! I told her, not that I know of! Well, back to my mom. Her main problems are: she can't hear and she can't see. Her mind is very good and that's a blessing. We hope she keeps her good mind. She's getting new and better hearing aides for both ears. They are so expensive it's unbelievable. She has her electric wheel chair that she rides everywhere she wants to go. You should see her go down the hall! Thank goodness she can see objects! She's a good driver and a speedy driver! We had a nice visit last night, she brought me up to date on family members and on her own daily life. She went to visit a friend in nursing about a half hour before supper so she had a limit on the length of her visit. She said the woman didnt want her to leave but knowing she had to go to supper it was okay and they said good-bye. Mother recently loaned my dad's scooter to a friend who needed one to get around. It sat in the hallway by her door for months but she just couldn't part with it, it had been such a part of Dad's daily life. So now, eight months after his death she is ready to loan it out. Her friend was so grateful and Mom felt so good for helping her friend that it made it all worthwhile. So life goes on...someday...I'll probably be in the same situation my mom is in! Well, let's not go there...


Shauna Archer said...

Glad to hear about Grandma. I was thinking we should send her a letter by snail mail.

Anita said...

You really should, Shauna, because she asks about you every time we talk. She's praying for your family. I know she would love to hear from you, I suggest you use large print.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for updating us. I have been wondering how she is doing.