Monday, August 28, 2006


Last Saturday afternoon we went to Emerson Park to a birthday celebration of one of our friends who no longer lives in our town, or state! Don and Michelle and kids moved about a year ago when Don got a new job. We miss them and so it was nice to have been invited to this party. Thanks, Michelle, for having a birthday! When we arrived it was raining so we sat in our car hoping it would let up but the longer we sat there the harder it rained! Finally we gave up and made a mad dash for the shelter (thank goodness for the shelter!) where our friends were setting up lots of good food. I added my Texas Brownies to the table. We saw lots of other friends as well. I'll never forget on one of my trips west Don and I discovered we were traveling on the same plane! The seat next to me was vacant so Don moved up and we had a really good visit. I feel a special bond between us, we both know we can depend on each other's prayers. One of God's greatest gifts to us is friends.

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