Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Good morning! I had an interesting call last evening. A young expectant mom called to ask about the class I'll be teaching this fall on The Dilemma of Young Mothers. Trying not to give too much of it away I told her a little about the first lesson which is more on marriage than on motherhood. But I said the first step to becoming a good mom is to have a good and loving relationship with your husband. I also said the Bible would be our guidebook. She sounded very positive and interested. So I was very excited and motivated last night. But, it also presents some challenges. There are a lot of single moms now and several in our church. If one of them comes, how do I justify a lesson on keeping husband number one? Oh, Lord, help! Well, atleast I know I'll have one person in the class! I've been a little worried that no one would come! I could use your prayers!

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