Monday, April 25, 2011


     Yesterday was Easter. It was so nice to see some folks dressed up for church! Men were more dressy than women! That's a switch... Some came in suits, some came in dress shirts and ties. 
     This is one of the things that frustrates me today. How folks dress for church. Most wear blue jeans, almost all women wear jeans or slacks. Very few of us wear skirts or dresses. 
     I've yet to wear pants to church on Sunday mornings. It doesn't make me any more spiritual than the next one but it does make me feel good about how I look. 
     Even our three pastors each dressed up for church yesterday! Now days that's rare...I don't get it. 
     A friend of ours lost his job here and eventually was hired in another state. He is an educated man with an executive position. I looked up the company on-line to see where our friend was going. I was surprised to see that that company has a dress code! Maybe all companies do. 
     News reporters and weathermen wear suits and ties. I wonder if that's going to change...I hope not.  
     I'm been wondering why there isn't a dress code for pastors. They work for us, don't they? Oh but, I forgot I'm one of the few who dresses up for church so I'm probably also the only one who cares how the pastors dress. That's sad.
     A few years ago the top man in our church conference came here to speak on Sunday. He was dressed in slacks and a polo shirt. As he shook hands with me before service, I boldly said to him, "I see you've joined the younger set in dressing down."
     He replied, "Oh, should I be dressed up? I try to dress the way I think the folks in the congregation will be dressed. I have a sweater in the car, I'll go get it."
     I don't get it... He should have been the leader here, not the follower.  We look up to our leaders. This is backwards. So he did go get his sweater, but it didn't help his appearance one bit. He needed a dress shirt and tie, at least.
     It all boils down to a lack of respect. There is little respect in our society today. We wonder about and talk about the lack of respect of our teenagers and children. Adults have also lost respect in so many ways. This is one of them. Dressing up for church simply shows respect for God's House. Nothing more, nothing less. 
     I wonder if I'll get any comments to this post. I welcome them. Let me know how you feel. 
     Lord, I praise You because of Who You Are. Forgive me if I've offended some folks here. Thank You for my church where we can freely worship You. Please help me to live my life pleasing to You. 


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I remember when everyone dressed up for church but even in the conservative church I attend, people wear jeans.

Since it is near the University, some come in shorts in hot weather.

This is one area where I notice a generational preference for I almost always wear a dress or skirt-blouse and only wear slacks when it is very cold in the winter.

Both my son and daughter wear jeans to church as do most of their generation.

The last time I worked in a corporation was when one was still expected to dress nicely. I remember advice I received after being promoted, to dress for the job I wanted and not the one I had (this meant wearing suits instead of nice slacks and tops).

So much has changed. No one would have ever worn jeans to work unless they were in the factory.

Amy said...

I wouldn't be surprise if the next generation becomes more formal. After all, most children don't want to dress like their parents did. They'll be excited when they discover ties and pantyhose!

Cheri said...

I won't use my own words, instead I will refer to Christ's words.
Matthew 23:25
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and the outside also will be clean."

The question I always ask when I have a concern is this:
"Is this important to Christ? "

"Will a person be won to or lost from Christ, depending on the disposition of this matter?"