Oh my, what a day this has been. There were both good and not so good things that came into my life today.
It started out good...we watched six deer wonder through our woods beside and behind our house. That was first thing this morning.
Then I noticed the cushions on our chairs out on the deck were still out...oh no. I got them out on Sunday so we could sit out as the kids had their egg hunt. We never did sit on them. Well, I forgot all about them and now here it is Tuesday. It rained almost all night last night. Those cushions are not to be left out. So they're now in the garage draining the water in them.
Next I drove Haleigh, Elmise, and Armon to school. That's my privilege once in a while.
I needed to print out about ten more newsletters, seven to mail and three to have on hand as extras. Oops...out of ink. I put in new cartridges and printed out two. The second one was way to red, and no blue. Okay...I have a small set in reserve so I replaced the blue one and printed out the PTN. Good job!
Jerry drove me to town to mail the newsletters because the gas tank was empty and he knows how I hate to pump gas! Speedway gas was $2.95! Yesterday it was $2.71! He only put in $20.00...less than half a tank.
We also stopped at the ink cartridge store to take the blue cartridge back that wouldn't print. I just bought it yesterday! Well, of course, the owner who had waited on my yesterday wasn't there. His daughter waited on me and I got no sympathy or satisfaction from her. In fact, I brought the cartridge back home to try again. What a wasted trip that was.
As we drove past the Meijer gas station we noticed gas was still $2.71! Jerry pulled in and filled the tank!
At Meijer's store, just as I was getting out of the car, we saw a new friend that I've been praying for. Jerry parked and Dennis and I stood in the rain! and talked and talked. He's having a really rough time and is moving away. It was so good to connect before he leaves town. The bad part? Jerry was waiting in the car...not a fun thing to do for very long. I still had to go in the store. Thank goodness I only had three items I needed to buy. Jerry was good about it but still I felt bad causing him to sit there for so long.
At 2:15 I left to pick up the grand kids from school so Rob could sleep a little longer. He's working nights so he needs to sleep as long as he can. I thought we had talked about it. Oh oh! Rob came walking into the school just as the kids were let out. He didn't realize I was picking them up. So a little miscommunication there.
Jerry took me to Pi's Asian Express for supper. I got cashew chicken and Jerry got beef & broccoli. Egg drop soup and egg rolls came with it. It was very good. He thought I needed to go out after my rough day.
It's been raining all day long. It's spring and we need rain. The lightning and loud crashes of thunder we could do without. Lightning scares me really bad.
So what a day this has been. Thank goodness there was good mixed in with the bad.
Lord, I praise You because You are Sovereign and In Control. You know about our frustrations and our joys. Thank You for loving us and keeping us.