Tuesday, June 16, 2009


These are some temples and places of worship we saw as we were driving through the city.

About the saddest part of our trip for me was seeing so many different religions. My heart ached for the people. I just wanted to go to them and tell them about Jesus, that He died for them, and they would only have to believe. Being a born again Christian is not about religion. I wanted to tell them being a born again Christian means having a personal relationship with God through Jesus. What a difference...

We saw so many Muslim women with their heads covered. Some wore beautiful long dresses and some wore blue jeans, but all had their heads covered.

We also saw lots of Muslim women completely covered in black. Only their eyes showed. They would have to lift the face covering in order to drink or put a bite in their mouth!

Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are Omnipresent, You are Love, You are the Creator, You are Peace.

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