Wednesday, November 08, 2006


This morning we were blessed to see a deer about 30 feet from our sun room windows! We hadn't seen any for so long, not since I last wrote about them! There was a youth hunting season and we heard lots of shots so were afraid they were all taken...but now this morning we had a doe right in our back yard! Of course the regular hunting season begins Nov. 15 and goes to Dec. 1. Then bow season is after that. The only time I don't like deer is when they run into a car! That happened to Ted, Sydney, and Isabella when they came last weekend! Thank goodness the damage wasn't too bad. The deer were only stunned and ran on their way. It could have been so much worse. Thank you, Lord, for your protection.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad that Ted and the girl are safe.
Did he have much damage to his truck?

Anita said...

He had their car because the truck is being repared for something else. The driver door had a dent but that's all I saw. It scared the girls.

Anonymous said...

Haven't they had trouble with deer and that black car before? Maybe the deer can't see it?