Thursday, October 28, 2010


It's time for a new entry here. We've had lots happen since I last posted.

Our weather has gone from nice fall days to a terribly windy day, yesterday, to cold and breezy today. The weatherman, this morning, said it's not windy today, only breezy!

We had a good day Saturday which ended with Jerry falling and wrecking his leg. We were at our friends log cabin for a turkey supper. There were 25 of us there and we were having such a nice time. We had gone with Larry and Rose, who had never been there before so it was fun showing them around. It was time to go home and we were walking out to the car. It was so dark out and they don't have any outside lights. Actually there was a full moon but it hadn't risen yet! Well, they have a metal ring in the side yard, for a camp fire. We couldn't see it and Jerry walked right into it. Down he went... He really wrecked his leg. Both his leg and foot swelled up. Larry and Rose brought us home so we immediately put an ice pack on it. He's been sitting in his lounge chair with his legs up and out and the ice pack on his leg ever since. His foot is much better. His leg is still very black and purple and it's still swollen but not as bad. He can walk a little now but after about an hour of being on it, it hurts and he has to put it up.  

This morning I was taking the grandkids, from next door, to school and Jerry surprised me by going out with me! He drove and after letting the kids out we went to Lannie's Cafe for breakfast! He's now sitting with his leg up and the ice pack back on his leg. Ohhh.

We've joined the folks who are only using cell phones! So if you'd like our number you should let me know in a comment or e-mail and I'll give you the number. We lost our old number that we've had forever and that was hard. I didn't know how I'd like only having my cell phone...but I have to say, I love it! I have my phone with me all the time so I don't have to check the answering machine when we get home from somewhere. It's just very handy. And best of all, we've eliminated a bill!

One problem about not having our land phone was that we couldn't call Tim and family because they live in Canada. It's very expensive to call Canada on our cell phone. But Tim solved that for us. We can now talk over our computers! It's so fun. Jerry can hear just fine and can talk, sitting across the room! This new technology is fine. Well, some of it is. I don't understand most of it and I'm not in to most of it. But what I use I love!

Last evening I went to our Wednesday evening coaching at church. Our pastor is doing a series on church history. Sound boring? Not at all! He makes it so interesting. He started clear back with the Wesley's, actually beginning with Samuel Wesley, John's father. I'm going to read my dad's book again, Son's of Susanna

Well, this is long enough. Thanks for reading.

Heavenly Father, I can't praise You enough for Your blessings to me. Please continue to touch Jerry's leg. Help it to heal completely. Thank You for this new technology and for our use of it. Thank You for Jesus and for sustaining the church all these hundreds of years. Thank You for our pastor and his unique teaching ability.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Jerry's fall. I will be praying for him that his leg and foot will heal quickly and completely with no complications. The series your pastor is teaching sounds interesting. Our Pastor has weaved several stories of the Wesleys into his sermon and it is always neat to hear how they lived and how the church came about and grew. A couple Sundays ago he talked about Class meetings and bands or small groups. You can go on the SAFMC site and could possibly hear the sermon. Bands were only 2-3 people. Class meetings were about 10 and then there were Societies of not more than 50-60. Each group got more personal and accountable for their living. He said that was what was wrong with today's church, it is not holding people accountable for their living for Christ so much anymore.

Kate said...

Did your Dad write Son's of Susanna?

Anita said...

Yes, Kate, he did. He also wrote Susanna.