I've had a lot going on in my head lately so I thought I'd write some of it down. I have so much to be thankful for.
1. Jesus Christ- my Lord and Saviour. My new freedom in Christ as written in
My Growth Story.
2. Mother and Dad. Dad is gone now and I miss him so much I can't even tell you how much. Mother is doing so well it's incredible. At 95 1/2 years her mind is so good, she even recognizes my voice on the phone!
3. Jerry. My husband of 50 years! How he could live with me all these years is beyond me...
4. Pam, Ted, Tim, Christy, Rob. My wonderful children and their spouses.
5. Andrew, Matthew, Kaleb, Tyler, Annie, Max, Megan, Haleigh, Miller, Sydney, Isabella, Mason, Maddie, and soon to be Elmise and Armon and Katie! My wonderful, delightful grandchildren!
6. Richard, Lorraine, Bill. My interesting, loving siblings.
7. Extended family. Including: sisters-in-law, cousins, nieces, nephews, anyone else who claims to be related!
8. Friends. Small group friends; friends & neighbors, old & new, elderly & young.
9. Health. My wonderful doctor.
10. My home. Our dream house we've lived in for 12 years already!
11. My church. My place of worshiping God with a body of believers.
12. My country. Where we have the freedom to worship as we believe according to the Word of God.
I love to decorate for Christmas but I'm not young any more! It's such a job to get everything out of our store room, bring it downstairs, take down the regular decorations, (international doll collection, precious knick-knacks that only mean something special to me), put them all away. My granddaughter's are a life saver! They worked so hard yesterday taking things down and putting Christmas (mainly Nativity sets, I have many.) things up. (I'm having to put the old things away today and tomorrow, oh to be young again.)
(I'm sitting here crying now! Jerry asked what I'm writing so I read what I've written so far and couldn't read it out loud with getting emotional! He said it's okay. What a guy!)
Lord, I do praise You. You are Sovereign, All Knowing, In Control, Love, Peace, Joy, Mercy, Grace, Creator and Saviour. Thank You for saving me. Having Jesus as my own personal Saviour is so undeserving and yet, so true to Your Word. Thank You for all Your blessings to me. I don't deserve them or You. But thank You. Please help me to live my life in such a way to show Jesus in my life. Help others to see Him in my every day living.