Jerry and I just returned from a meeting about Haiti. What a heartbreaking report and pictures we watched. The government will no longer allow shipments of food and supplies to enter the country. The people are starving, sick, and dying. Dear God, please intervene for these people. Please.
This was newsletter week. I worked hard to get it out and have already started the next one. A change is being made though...not with the newsletter, but with the distribution of the newsletter. I've been handing them out to all seniors, and also e-mailing them to anyone having the internet and wanting to get them. That comes to about 100 folks receiving the newsletter on a regular basis. I'll no longer be handing them out personally. We'll be making up a mailing list and sending them out. The church is going to pay the postage. This will be quite a change and I just hope it works out.
My mom went to the circus on Friday! She loved it and had a great time! Those were her words. Only a few got to go and she was one of them! She rode her scooter up into a bus and stayed on her scooter all day. I think the circus was in Denver somewhere. I'm so glad for her, to think she got to do something so out of the ordinary and she had strength and stamina to endure the day! She'll be 96 1/2 on October 16! She told me that! Her mind is so good!
I've been doing a lot of writing lately. Mainly about my family. You can read some of it on my new blog: I made an error and left the n out. I tried to correct it but it won't let me! So now you've got to make the same error, if you want to read it!) I've got some other stories mixed in too. They are all true stories.
We had a Butterfly Bush given to us so we've got it planted in our back yard. I hope, I hope it lives. I'll let you know next summer!
Lord, please intervene for Haiti. You know their needs.
Thank You for giving my mom such strength in her elder years. Thank You for letting her go to the circus.
Thank You for helping me with the newsletter and giving me a brother who is patient and helpful.
Thank You for helping me to write my story and my family story.
Thank You for the Butterfly Bush! Please help it to live.
I love You, Lord. You are my Saviour, my Help, my Strength.