Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

     Today is Halloween. It's also my 72nd birthday! I can't believe it. How did I get to be 70, and now 72? 70 is the official 'old age' so I'm well across the line.
     I've had a good day today. I've gotten about ten cards and over 80 happy birthday greetings on facebook! If you're not on facebook you won't know what I'm talking about but it's so fun to connect with friends from the present and the past. 
     Jerry took me to China Palace for dinner after church. It's one of my most favorite restaurants. I had egg drop soup, shrimp with cashews, fried rice, and an egg roll. Jerry had beef and broccoli, and all the rest the same as me. It was so good.
    The verse of the day today is so fitting for me at 72 years with gray hair.     Psalm 71:17,18. NIV Please read it! I had to laugh because whoever picks the verse of the day must have known it was my birthday!
Dear Lord, Thank You for life, for birthdays. Thank You for computers, for cameras, for technology, most of all for family and friends. I love you, my Heavenly Father.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary, Pam and Gene! 28 years already?! I love this picture of you! As you know, it's from the reception after the wedding of Andrew and Katie. It was a fun time and you look so happy. I don't know what you have planned for this weekend, but I'm sure it'll be fun. So...have a good day and a good time. I love you both.
Heavenly Father, You ordained marriage. You are the Creator. Please bless Pam and Gene with Your Presence. Guard their marriage. I love them so much and You love them even more.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


It's time for a new entry here. We've had lots happen since I last posted.

Our weather has gone from nice fall days to a terribly windy day, yesterday, to cold and breezy today. The weatherman, this morning, said it's not windy today, only breezy!

We had a good day Saturday which ended with Jerry falling and wrecking his leg. We were at our friends log cabin for a turkey supper. There were 25 of us there and we were having such a nice time. We had gone with Larry and Rose, who had never been there before so it was fun showing them around. It was time to go home and we were walking out to the car. It was so dark out and they don't have any outside lights. Actually there was a full moon but it hadn't risen yet! Well, they have a metal ring in the side yard, for a camp fire. We couldn't see it and Jerry walked right into it. Down he went... He really wrecked his leg. Both his leg and foot swelled up. Larry and Rose brought us home so we immediately put an ice pack on it. He's been sitting in his lounge chair with his legs up and out and the ice pack on his leg ever since. His foot is much better. His leg is still very black and purple and it's still swollen but not as bad. He can walk a little now but after about an hour of being on it, it hurts and he has to put it up.  

This morning I was taking the grandkids, from next door, to school and Jerry surprised me by going out with me! He drove and after letting the kids out we went to Lannie's Cafe for breakfast! He's now sitting with his leg up and the ice pack back on his leg. Ohhh.

We've joined the folks who are only using cell phones! So if you'd like our number you should let me know in a comment or e-mail and I'll give you the number. We lost our old number that we've had forever and that was hard. I didn't know how I'd like only having my cell phone...but I have to say, I love it! I have my phone with me all the time so I don't have to check the answering machine when we get home from somewhere. It's just very handy. And best of all, we've eliminated a bill!

One problem about not having our land phone was that we couldn't call Tim and family because they live in Canada. It's very expensive to call Canada on our cell phone. But Tim solved that for us. We can now talk over our computers! It's so fun. Jerry can hear just fine and can talk, sitting across the room! This new technology is fine. Well, some of it is. I don't understand most of it and I'm not in to most of it. But what I use I love!

Last evening I went to our Wednesday evening coaching at church. Our pastor is doing a series on church history. Sound boring? Not at all! He makes it so interesting. He started clear back with the Wesley's, actually beginning with Samuel Wesley, John's father. I'm going to read my dad's book again, Son's of Susanna

Well, this is long enough. Thanks for reading.

Heavenly Father, I can't praise You enough for Your blessings to me. Please continue to touch Jerry's leg. Help it to heal completely. Thank You for this new technology and for our use of it. Thank You for Jesus and for sustaining the church all these hundreds of years. Thank You for our pastor and his unique teaching ability.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beautiful Elmise

Elmise had her hair done yesterday. She came running over to show Grandma and Grandpa! Isn't she beautiful? School pictures are to be taken today and she wanted her hair braided. I wonder how long she had to sit still for this? I forgot to ask her...
Thank You, Lord, for our beautiful grandchildren...all 15. Thank You for Elmise. Watch over her, please.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Elmise and Armon are like a breath of fresh air! When they come in our door it's like a whirl wind entered! They have so much energy! Here they are putting on a concert for Jerry and me! I took a video of them but I don't know how to put it on here so you can't listen to them. Sorry. I wish you could, you'd love it!

Lord, how I praise You! Thank You for our grandchildren, all 15 of our grandchildren. Thank You for Elmise and Armon.  Thank You for their energy! Thank You for their musical talent! They are precious in Your Sight...and mine too.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Jerry and I just returned from a meeting about Haiti. What a heartbreaking report and pictures we watched. The government will no longer allow shipments of food and supplies to enter the country. The people are starving, sick, and dying. Dear God, please intervene for these people. Please. 

This was newsletter week. I worked hard to get it out and  have already started the next one. A change is being made though...not with the newsletter, but with the distribution of the newsletter. I've been handing them out to all seniors, and also e-mailing them to anyone having the internet and wanting to get them. That comes to about 100 folks receiving the newsletter on a regular basis. I'll no longer be handing them out personally. We'll be making up a mailing list and sending them out. The church is going to pay the postage. This will be quite a change and I just hope it works out.

My mom went to the circus on Friday! She loved it and had a great time! Those were her words. Only a few got to go and she was one of them! She rode her scooter up into a bus and stayed on her scooter all day. I think the circus was in Denver somewhere. I'm so glad for her, to think she got to do something so out of the ordinary and she had strength and stamina to endure the day! She'll be 96 1/2 on October 16! She told me that! Her mind is so good!

I've been doing a lot of writing lately. Mainly about my family. You can read some of it on my new blog:  I made an error and left the n out. I tried to correct it but it won't let me! So now you've got to make the same error, if you want to read it!) I've got some other stories mixed in too. They are all true stories.

We had a Butterfly Bush given to us so we've got it planted in our back yard. I hope, I hope it lives. I'll let you know next summer!

Lord, please intervene for Haiti. You know their needs. 
Thank You for giving my mom such strength in her elder years. Thank You for letting her go to the circus. 
Thank You for helping me with the newsletter and giving me a brother who is patient and helpful. 
Thank You for helping me to write my story and my family story. 
Thank You for the Butterfly Bush! Please help it to live.
I love You, Lord. You are my Saviour, my Help, my Strength.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Betty! Another year has gone by already! Life has a way of moving on. We're planning to stop by to visit you today. We miss getting together occasionally. You've always been a good sister-in-law to me. I hope you have a very special day today.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Betty. Watch over her, keep her well, and safe. Help us to be in touch more than we are. I love her and You love her even more.