Monday, September 01, 2008


On Saturday we went to the pig roast we always go to on the Saturday before Labor Day. We had a good day, the weather was perfect and I took lots of pictures. Perhaps some of you have wondered why I haven't written anything since early Saturday morning. Well, I've been trying...I've spent lots of time trying to post pictures to show you and for some reason I'm having problems. So please be patient with me. I praise You, Heavenly Father, because you are a Caring God. Lord, you know my frustration with posting my pictures. Please help me to be persistant and not give up, in any area's in my life.

1 comment:

carole said...

Anita.. I also have been having problems with posting pictures lately.. Do you check your old comments?? I see that Kari has written.. Do most people check comments from 2 or 3 post back?? I do.. Carole