Thursday, August 25, 2011

Journal 8/25/11

Well, a couple of days have gone by since my frustrating blog so I need to update my journal now. 
     I went to the missions board meeting, two evenings ago, ready to resign. I told Jerry before I left this would be my last meeting to attend. 
     There was a good turnout at the meeting. Even Toby, representing the pastor's cabinet, was there. We began with prayer. Then we went into discussing our frustrations, with folks not going through the proper channels when doing what is actually good work. I gave my feelings and that I would be resigning. Toby is a gift to the missions board. He understood our frustrations, took notes and will be reporting to the pastor's cabinet.
     We moved on to the business at hand. My mind calmed down and I felt myself moving along and getting excited and involved in the business. I was at peace.
     No, I didn't resign. 
     I may even be going to a special weekend promoting a project close to my heart and certainly close to the Heart of God! It's very exciting!!!
Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are Sovereign, You are Omnipresent. Thank You for how You are working around the world. Please help me to know Your Will.


Amy said...

That kind of meeting is a testimony to God's power.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for using the time and effort to write something so interesting.

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