Monday, October 15, 2007

More of Yesterday! Log Cabin Day

The front of Richard's and Marilyn's log cabin. This is an authentic log cabin first owned by a couple who were members of our church many years ago. They had no children and after their death Richard bought it and moved it to his own property. If I remember right, I think Richard said this is actually two log cabins that he put together to make one big cabin.

This is a working cookstove! There is a pan of mostly eaten cinnamon rolls sitting on top. Yes, Jerry and I each ate one! Mmmm! Marilyn made them in this old stove! I don't know how she knows how hot the oven's a mystry to me!

The back of the log cabin.

Emmie made stone soup outside over the fire. Here she is stirring it to keep it from burning. She said this old black pot was full yesterday and it's almost gone now. I didn't taste it...I was full from eating Marilyn's cinnamon roll! The soup did look and smell good!

Richard had all kinds of old machinery working. Men love this. I don't know what they are all called except one, inside the barn, was a corn grinder owned by Richard's grandfather. Friend, Dale, was grinding corn in it. It looked like it'll make good corn bread! I just couldn't take pictures of everything, I wish I could have. Dear Lord, thank you for the preservation of yesteryears. So much progress has been made but our forefathers worked very hard. They would be totally shocked to see how things are done now today. I praise you, Father.


Anonymous said...

All of that stuff is amazing. And I can't imagine cooking on that old stove. Do they have a modern stove for every day cooking?

Kate said...

Has Emmie read the book "Stone Soup"...I used to read it to my girls.